In the world of the 1978 comedy classic National Lampoon's Animal House, we know garage rock is OK, as evidenced by John Belushi, as Bluto Blutarsky, belting out "Louie Louie." Rhythm and blues/soul ...
The musicians who inspired a young Elvis Presley, a nuclear-powered dream, the world of early Christians and more.
The Who was once called the "loudest band in the world." But what inspired them to start this decibel war in the first place?
In the autumn of 1927, Victor Records and their talent scout and producer Ralph Peer were giving some thought to an artist they had signed up that summer – a 30-year-old singer and guitarist named ...
Fans loved the smooth sounds of jazz and catchy doo-opp tunes of the 1950s. This list includes the biggest artists of the ...
Vandello's sound runs the gamut. The Swisher-based band, which will return Saturday night to the CSPS Hall in Cedar Rapids, ...
Vandross longed for the same acclaim and freedom awarded to his white contemporaries in yacht rock. Photo: David ...
Representing Phoenix at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis is a dream come true for Matt Indes after a heart transplant and long recovery.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) has announced the upcoming release of a commemorative stamp honoring the late Allen ...
Perks had a huge bass cabinet and a Vox AC 30 amp. He also had the price of a round, and he had cigarettes to share. After a ...
We remember those we lost in December, including producer Richard Perry, followed by our tributes from the prior months of ...
"You can take a basic Blues structure and do anything with it. Anything. It's a lot of fun." Green said there's a strong ...