At the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, President Xi announced eight pragmatic measures to advance high-quality BRICS cooperation and underscored the group's role as a primary channel for ...
UNESCO inscribed the Spring Festival, a social practice of the Chinese people celebrating the traditional new year, on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This ...
Ho also highlighted Macao’s success in diversifying its economy, particularly in the fields of education, tourism, and sci-tech innovation. “Since Macao’s return to the motherland, the tourism ...
Located in eastern China's Zhejiang province, and with the vigorous Yangtze River Delta economic region as its hinterland, Ningbo-Zhoushan Port is one of the busiest ports in the world. With the ...
The World Economic Outlook report released by the International Monetary Fund in October predicts that the US economy is expected to grow by 2.8 percent in 2024, compared with its projected growth of ...
Matthieu Ventelon, who has a Chinese name "Maizi", hails from Toulouse, a city in southwestern France through which the world's first UNESCO World Heritage canal, the Canal du Midi, flows. Having ...
11月21日,一名女子在英国伦敦大英图书馆观看中国网络文学作品《诡秘之主》的周边产品。2024年,包括《庆余年》《斗罗大陆》等在内的10部中国网络文学作品被收录进大英图书馆中文馆藏书目。这是继2022年16部中国网络文学作品“入编”该图书馆以来,此类 ...
联合国粮农组织驻斯里兰卡代表处官员卡皮拉·穆纳辛哈说,中国专家的贡献非常值得赞赏。“中国专家扎根田间地头,实实在在地传授适应当地需求的农业技术。他们的到来为斯里兰卡农民带来了新希望。” ...
美国住房和城市发展部 (HUD)统计显示,仅在2024年1月的晚上,曾有超过77万人无家可归,较2023年增加了18%。此外,近15万儿童无家可归,较2023年增加了33%。
中新社北京12月28日电 (刘洋)2024年步入尾声。一年里,从文艺活动的交流展演,到文化IP的海外风靡,再到非遗技艺的国际展示,海内外同胞以多种方式携手讲述和传承中华文化。