The national debt continues to rise at a breakneck pace, with Americans bearing a greater and greater debt burden. The ...
President Donald Trump has undone many of Joe Biden's progressive policies, if not the damage they inflicted, in less than two weeks.
The national debt, currently at $36.3 trillion and growing, is a boulder weighing on economic prosperity. The money lent to ...
Republicans have leveraged the debt ceiling for years to block Democrats’ agenda. Now liberals see an opening to stymy Trump.
As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office, the U.S. government’s fiscal health is bleak, with debt and deficits ...
The new budget forecasts predicted that the United States will record a $1.9 trillion budget deficit this fiscal year and ...
In this edition of the Hot Seat, Mike Murphy from the Committee for Responsible Budget Policy addresses the $36 trillion ...
There are four sources of new revenue to use in the first new budget. They alone will yield trillions in one-time revenue and billions in ongoing revenue without raising income taxes. C’mon Congress.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 2 of our Constitution allows our political parties to borrow money on behalf of the United States ... increasing federal government debt. Based on Peter G.
"The United States has built a dangerous mountain of debt quite simply because our political leaders are unwilling to do the hard work of governing responsibly and acting as fiscal stewards for ...
Americans pay more taxes to support health care than do the citizens of any other country. We must either fix our health care system or watch our economy implode.
The national debt is over $36 trillion ... deficits have repeatedly been over or just under $2 trillion. “The United States has built a dangerous mountain of debt quite simply because our ...